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The Robert H. Smith School of Business
produced 279 results. Displaying results from 1 to 60
Nancy S. and Edward F. Ebert Graduate Award in Free Enterprise
Class Gift Fund
Women Inspire Fund
Choptank Transport Business Scholarship
Louai Alassar Current-Use Scholarship in Decision, Operations, and Information Technologies
Fishlinger Family Fund for Entrepreneurship in the Robert H. Smith School of Business
William A. Longbrake Endowed Professorship
Smith School Annual Fund
B. Gary Dando Senior Scholarship Quasi-Endowment
James A. Poulos Scholarship
Joseph and Olivia Mattingly Transportation and Logistics Scholarship
Milt Matthews/Hershey Food Corporation MBA Scholarship
Bank of America Educational Endowment in Business
France/Merrick Faculty Fellowship in Business
Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriott Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Gary B. Williams Endowed Leadership Scholarship
Jean and Paul Mullan Undergraduate Honors Scholarship
Gerald and Deana Stempler Competition Award
Marilyn Hess Rose and Robert L. Rose Memorial Scholarship
Harvey Sanders Professorship in Retailing and Services Marketing
William E. Mayer Chair in Finance
William E. Mayer Dean's Fund
Michael D. Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship
Keith S. McKenzie Endowed Scholarship
Paul H. Mullan Scholarship
James R. Beers Endowed Scholarship
Allen J. Krowe Endowed Awards for Teaching Excellence
Clifford M. and Camille E. Kendall Undergraduate Business Transfer Scholarship
Universities at Shady Grove Clifford M. and Camille E. Kendall Outstanding Faculty Staff Endowed Award
Howard and Elizabeth Ruddell Scholarship
Charles B. Edelson Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
Accounting Development Fund
David M. Sampson Memorial Graduate Student Award
Paul J. Cinquegrana '63 Finance Scholarship
Howard Frank Scholarship
Gul Bhutani Endowed Fellowship in Business
Gordon Prize in Managing Cybersecurity Resources
Betty and Francis '68 Contino Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship
James A. Flick, Jr. '62 Fund in Accounting
Mary and Mark M. Shores '78 Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship
MBA Scholarship Fund
Felix Kaplan Transportation and Logistics Scholarship
Marketing Development Fund
Harry Davis Accounting Endowed Scholarship
Henry Kaufman Chair in Financial History Endowment
Bank of America Regents Endowed Scholarship
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman Accounting Award
PepsiCo Foundation Chair in Consumer Research
Michael J. Schwab Family Entrepreneurship Fund
Undergraduate Scholarships
Michael Scott Lamana and Eric Cranford Memorial M.B.A. Fellowship Fund
Tighe Family Fund
Mark G. Turner Business Scholarship
Legg Mason Teaching Innovation Award
Abraham Golub Memorial Fund
Robert D. Cook Memorial Scholarship
Robert H. Smith School of Business General Scholarship
Rudolph P. Lamone Fund for Excellence in Entrepreneurship
Robert L. DePiro '57 Undergraduate Scholarship in Accounting
KPMG Scholarship