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Stanley R. Zupnik Hall Gift Fund

Engineering brings together great minds—people with different backgrounds and perspectives, looking at the same challenge in different ways—to collaborate on solutions that serve humanity. 

Similarly, Zupnik Hall will house elements of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Quantum Technology Center. The building also includes space for Engineering Student Affairs & Academic Success Programs, and identity-based student organizations including the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, and Black Engineers Society.

The building will also include space for collaboration with institutional and industrial partners, including specialized labs for connected autonomous vehicles and intelligent infrastructure, as well as virtual, interdisciplinary research and instructional labs, a seminar classroom, and conference and meeting space.  

Zupnik Hall will help the Clark School meet its goals for growth, sponsored research opportunities, and economic development of the state and region; it will also enable the university to recruit and retain world-class faculty, as well as foster collaboration between disciplines and with institutional and business partners. Zupnik Hall is envisioned as adaptable, allowing it to address evolving future needs.

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