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Research Group on Early Modern Religious Dissents and Radicalism

EMoDiR (Early Modern Religious Dissents and Radicalism) is an international research group dedicated to the study of religious differences, conflicts, and plurality in Europe during the early modern period. In times of globalization, religious coexistence has become of key importance for the safety and security of contemporary multicultural societies. Growing tensions on the international scene have recently been fueled by religious hatred and fundamentalism. As scholars, we strongly believe that investing in research on religious dissent and toleration can contribute to deepening our understanding of the origins of present-day problems, turning investment in informed scholarly research into a benefit for society as a whole.
Every year, we organize panel sessions at the annual conference of the Renaissance Society of America. We recently organized a series of three conferences with the Italian Research Program called “The Long History of Anti-Semitism” focused on the history of Italian Jews. This special series took place in Maryland, Rome, and Jerusalem and was co-sponsored by Johns Hopkins University and Bar-Ilan University. Our faculty members have published a number of outstanding books and edited volumes, and we are currently editing an EMoDiR book series published by Rutledge.
Your gift will help strengthen and broaden our mission and your donation will allow us to enhance our research, programming, and course offerings. We appreciate and value your generosity. Thank you!
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