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The Philip Merrill College of Journalism
produced 120 results. Displaying results from 1 to 60
Robert C. Keith Fund for Investigative Journalism
Frank Quine and Mary Ellen Doran- Quine Journalism Scholarship
White House Correspondents' Association Current-Use Scholarship in Journalism
John Story Cleghorn and Nona Reese Cleghorn Journalism Scholarship
Philip Merrill College of Journalism Dean's Fund
Stanley E. Rubenstein Memorial Journalism Scholarship
Phyllis and Frank Kopen Broadcast Journalism Scholarship
Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism
Joseph R. Slevin Award
Richard Eaton Broadcast Center Endowment
Gertrude Poe Fund for Journalism Excellence
William Randolph Hearst Visiting Professionals Fund
J. Theodore Crown, Sr. and Joseph T. Crown, Jr. Scholarship
Ray Hiebert Endowed Scholarship
Carolyn H. and Howard F. Ahrens Endowed Journalism Scholarship
Hiebert Journalism International Endowed Travel Fund
Tom Kunkel Journalism Excellence Scholarship Endowment
Knight Chair in Journalism
Michael Gurevitch Journalism Scholarship
Carol Horner Journalism Scholarship
Hostetter- MDDC Press Foundation Scholarship for Student Journalists
Philip Merrill College of Journalism Scholarships
Scripps Howard Foundation Doctoral Fellowship in Journalism
Gene Roberts Award
Gridiron Foundation Journalism Scholarships
Steven C. Affens Broadcast Journalism Scholarship
Marjorie Ferguson/Ben Holman Journalism Scholarship
Baltimore Sun Diversity in Journalism Scholarship
K. Christopher Houston Scholarship
Lawrence L. and Lillie Z. Goldberg Journalism Scholarship
Richard Eaton Chair Operating Fund
Journalism Building Fund
Joseph R. Slevin Award Operating Fund
Media Scholars Program
Capstones/ News Bureaus Gift Fund
Ralph Crosby Journalism Excellence Award
Povich Sports Symposium Gift Fund
Eaton Foundation: Entrepreneurialism/Business
Journalism Interactive Conference Fund
Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism
William Randolph Hearst Journalism Scholarship
Mary Anne and Frank A. Kennedy Scholarship
Fred I. Archibald, Edna O. Archibald and Fred J. Archibald Endowed Scholarship
Jay Jackson Scholarship
Journalism Endowed Account Fund
Baltimore Sun Endowed Distinguished Lectureship
Maryland-Delaware-D.C. (MDDC) Press Association Scholarship
Paul Berg Diamondback Scholarship
Richard W. Worthington Journalism Scholarship
Regis Boyle Award for Maryland Scholastic Journalism Advisors
Ralph Crosby Journalism Excellence Endowed Award
J. Theodore Crown, Sr. and Joseph T. Crown, Jr. Scholarship
Professor Thomas J. Aylward Scholarship
Reese Cleghorn Journalism Excellence Scholarship
William C. Huffman Scholarship
William C. Huffman Endowed Scholarship in Journalism
William Raspberry Endowed Scholarship in Journalism
Penny Bender Fuchs Fund
John A. Jenkins Internship Fund
Maury Povich Sports Journalism Scholarship