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Institute for Systems Research (ISR) Fellowship Fund

ISR is concluding a campaign for a financial support award for our graduate students, called the “ISR graduate student travel award”.

ISR students produce outstanding research results!  When they dissemination them in publications, and particularly through presentations at conferences, they benefit in many ways,  including:
--  Direct recognition of the student researcher’s high quality of work
--  Students learn to effectively convey their research
--  Higher visibility and recognition of the quality and variety of ISR research
--  Improved potential for the students to receive employment opportunities

We are seeking to raise $25,000 by the end of April for the purpose of establishing annual awards for graduate student travel support in perpetuity.  This will help us send deserving graduate students to professional conferences each year.  It will defray some of the travel costs, which are often considerable for a student.

To achieve our goal, we are asking you, as a member of our worldwide family of alumni, to financially support this award.  A gift in any amount will be greatly appreciated.

For alumni in organizations that provide gift matching funds, please request that your gift be matched!!

Thank you in advance for supporting ISR by making a gift to the ISR Graduate Student Travel Award

Support This Fund Today!