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Wrestling celebration Large

Wrestling Fund

Turtle Power Nation - WE are in a new era for Maryland Wrestling. It is an exciting time as we look to build the future of our program and reach new heights together. When you become a Friends of Maryland Wrestling (FOMW) member you become part of the build! The official support group of Maryland Wrestling, FOMW donations supplement the team’s budget to provide additional funding for the student-athlete experience. This includes, but is not limited to, travel and competition, apparel, equipment, nutrition, and facility upgrades. Turtle Power!

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Receive the following memorabilia and benefits* at each of the following Giving Levels:

  1. Insider @ $350.00 - $649.99 — FMV: $120.00
  2. Champion @ $750.00 - $1,499.99 — FMV: $185.00
  3. Legend @ $1,500.00+ — FMV: $185.00

* Donation benefits are cumulative with increasing gift levels. Fair market value (FMV) of memorabilia will be subtracted from tax-deductible amount.

Enter Your Gift Amount
