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Andrew and Mary Balo and Nicholas and Susan Simon Endowed E-Nnovate Chair

Andrew (B.S. ’70, microbiology) and Mary Balo collaborated with Nicholas (B.S. ’76, microbiology) and Susan Simon in 2016 to create the university's first endowed chair in the life sciences. This endowed chair aims to attract and retain top-tier faculty focused on research in human health and disease.

Andrew Balo and Nick Simon studied microbiology at UMD and credit their UMD science education for their professional achievements in the biotechnology industry. Their combined donations were matched by funding from the state’s Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI). Their generosity will support cutting-edge research and inspire future scientists at UMD. By investing in this fund, donors can contribute to advancing life sciences and cultivating the next wave of health science leaders.

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