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The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
produced 188 results. Displaying results from 61 to 120
Judith E. Brocksmith Pre-Veterinary Scholarship
A. Morris Decker Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Emery Family Scholarship
Gary Lee Lake Memorial Fund
Dr. Thomas B. Symons Memorial Fund
Washington, D.C. and Maryland Section of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Scholarship
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Alumni Scholarship
Bessie H. Devault Scholarship
Dr. Jerry V. DeBarthe Memorial Scholarship
Appleman-Norton Award in Botany
Wye Research Fund
Dr. Richard F. Davis Memorial Fund
Shields Memorial Fund
Robert Lamar and Frances C. Green Endowed Scholarship in Agricultural Engineering
Dr. and Mrs. Bill V. Lessley Dissertation Excellence Award
Institute of Applied Agriculture Program Development Fund
Maryland Turfgrass Fund
Insight Engineering Research and Program Development Fund
Agricultural and Resource Economics Support Fund
VetMed Symposiums
Ray A. Murray Scholarship
Theodore B. and Georgianna Miles Weiss Memorial Fund
Mylo S. Downey Memorial Fund
Arthur M. Ahalt Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Paul R. Poffenberger Scholarship
John R. and Marjorie C. Moore International Agriculture and Natural Resources Student Travel Endowment
Plant Science and Landscape Architecture (PSLA) Landscape Architecture Fund
Francis R. and Clara L. Gouin Undergraduate Horticulture Research Fund
Turfgrass Pathology Research Fund
Nutrition and Food Sciences Internship Program
John R. Moore and Marjorie C. Moore Award
Anne Arundel Master Gardens
Rebecca Selleck Sustainable Crop Research Award
Rosina Barone JIFSAN Educational Fund
Dr. Si Duk Lee Current-Use Graduate Fellowship
Maryland Master Naturalist Program
Fearless Fund for Graduate Fellowships- AGNR
AGNR Harford County Scholarship
Fearless Fund for Faculty- AGNR
Avrum Gudelsky Veterinary Medicine Endowment
J. Lee and Judy Majeskie Endowed Scholarship
Christopher S. Walsh Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Frank L. Bentz, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Brian Bequette Student Research Fund
Baltimore City Extension Fund
John and Marjorie Moore Professorship in Agriculture and Resource Economics
Dr. Fred Ross Shank II Memorial Scholarship
American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists Washington, DC Area Chapter Scholarship
Annual Plant Biology Mini-Symposium Fund
Veterinary Medicine Discretionary Fund
Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) Enhancement Fund
University of Maryland Extension Small Ruminant Program
Edward B. Byrd Endowed Scholarship in Agriculture
Edward B. Byrd Scholarship in Agriculture
Kathleen Hunt Staff Excellence Award
Norton-Brown Herbarium Fund
UME-Prince George's County Support
LABash - student landscape architecture conference
Vegetables Integrated Pest Management
Ray R. Weil Endowed Professorship in Soil Science