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The College of Education
produced 170 results. Displaying results from 121 to 170
Dr. Richard L. Matteson Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Jean E. Lokerson Endowed Fellowship
Dr. Colleen O'Neal Research Fund
Clarvit Family Endowed Scholarship in Special Education
Herb and Libby Ware Graduate Award in Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation
Center for Children, Relationships, and Culture Colloquium Fund
Bruce W. Sorter Endowed Fellowship in Human Development
Dean's Lecture Series on Education and Social Justice
Maryland Assessment Research Center Fund
John T. and Dorothy E. Lokerson Endowed Scholarship in Education
Andrea Goff Endowed Scholarship
Bebe and Bebop Shapiro Endowed Scholarship
Ellen Gaske Scholarship in Special Education
Dr. Marybeth Joy Drechsler Sharp Memorial Fund
Maryland Neuroimaging Center Support Fund
Bebe and Bebop Shapiro Current-Use Scholarship
Barbara R. Sadowski, Ph.D Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics Education
Richard F. and Elizabeth E. Hughes Scholarship for Special Education
UMD Middle College Teachers Preparation Program Scholarship Fund
M. Elise Blankenship Endowed Scholarship
UMD Middle College Teachers Preparation Program Operating Support Fund
PGCPS/UMD Improvement Science Collaborative Current-Use Program Support Fund in the College of Education
Drs. Susan R. Komives and Marylu K. McEwen Endowed Graduate Award in Student Affairs
Clarvit Program Support Fund for Terps-EXCEED in the College of Education
Drs. Susan R. Komives and Marylu K. McEwen Current-Use Graduate Award in Student Affairs
Friends of EDCI
Patricia S. and John A. Koskinen Endowed Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in Minority and Urban Education
EdTerp Endeavor Fellowship
Dr. Elliott B. Jaffa Endowed Scholarship in Special Education
Dr. Elliott B. Jaffa Current-Use Scholarship in Special Education
Elaine Johnson Coates '59 Current-Use Scholarship in the College of Education
Elaine Johnson Coates '59 Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education
Ellen and Paul Gaske Current-Use Program Support Fund for Terps-EXCEED in the College of Education
Sara E. Wheeler Cowan Current-Use Scholarship for Teacher Education
Melanie Folstad '92 Endowed Scholarship in Education
Vincent and Mary Straface Family Current-Use Scholarship in Education
Olsen Family Current-Use Scholarship in the College of Education
Diane E. Gartner Memorial Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education
W.T. Grant Trust Fund
The KidWise Challenge Fund
Sue and Joe Bredekamp Current-Use Program Support Fund for the Center for Young Children
Sullivan Family Dual Language Education Post Baccalaureate Certificate Current-Use Scholarship in Education
Friends of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (CDIHE)
William and Barbara Riggs and Family Program Support Fund for TerpsEXCEED and Special Education
William and Barbara Riggs and Family Endowed Program Support Fund for TerpsEXCEED in the College of Education
Diane E. Gartner Memorial Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education
The Center for Educational Data Science and Innovation (EDSI) at the University of Maryland
Sharon M. Brauckmann Summer Reading Current-Use Program Support Fund in Education
Joseph Willhoft, Ph.D. '88 Endowed Graduate Student Support Fund in Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics
Leib McDonald '43 and Carolyn Lowe McDonald '43 Scholarship